Penalties for First Time DUI in Las Vegas – Know What Are They?

According to Las Vegas 484C.110 Nevada law, the court of law imposes different types of penalties for a drunk driving offense. They include 4 days of community service, a $1,000 fine, 6 months in jail, or license suspension for 6 months or more. Driving under the influence (DUI) penalties may vary based on the severity of the situation and other factors.


If you are looking for a trustworthy DUI lawyer in Las Vegas, you must visit SPARTACUS Law Firm. They have good experience in dealing with different situations, from DUI to wrongful accusations, at competitive rates.

In this article, you can learn about first-time DUI penalties in Las Vegas. Let us know about them in detail:

Monetary Assessment or Fine

For 1st time DUI offenses, the Court of Law imposes a maximum penalty of $1,000 along with other costs, which covers the expenses incurred for the case process. However, hiring an experienced attorney can help you in reducing the penalty and get justice.

Incarceration or Jail time

The court imposes 2 to 180 days of jail time, but most of the 1st time DUI offenders will not serve the whole period. Even, the court has the authority to suspend the entire jail time means there is no need for the offender to serve until complies with the probation terms. Also, the court has the prudence to impose a community service of 96 hours instead of imprisonment.

License Suspension

According to DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), 1st time DUI offense involves a 90 days or 3 months license suspension. The first 45 days are called the hard suspension period, later the driver will get a restricted driver’s license means the liable person is allowed to drive for limited destinations like from home to work, probation appointments, etc. Also, the person has to install an ignition interlock device in the vehicle.


Drug or Alcohol Treatment Programs

The first DUI offense includes substance abuse intervention and education. Also, the offender has to undergo a treatment program for pay based on the court order. If the blood drug or alcohol levels are high, the offender has to get tough intensive programs. Here are a few treatment programs imposed by the court, including.

  • DUI intervention program of $100 fee
  • Victim Impact Panel of $40 fee
  • Installation of a breath interlock device for up to 3 to 6 months
  • Installation as well as maintenance of IID for 12 to 36 months
  • As per the assessment of DUI, the court may impose counseling to deal with alcohol or substance abuse issues


Although few 1st time DUI offenders will get probation, it comes with a lot of conditions. In this case, the court orders the offender to stop taking drugs, alcohol, and other substances without any prescription. Also, the court may ask the offender to undergo a substance abuse treatment program. You need to remember that violating probation lead to imprisonment and other serious consequences.

Drunk driving charges and penalties are serious but there are a few things that help you in defending yourself from charges and get the right outcome. From those, choose the best one and book your appointment today.

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