What you have to know about Culminate Synonym?

You need to know about Culminate Synonym. There are many ways of educating their culmination is very much important. It is very important to know what is the culmination of education. Stress at individual and social levels; distorts our cognition, affect, and conation.

It leads to amongst many other evils; the deterioration of international, national, and local education policy and its implementation. Education (formal, curricular, co-curricular, extracurricular, and informal) is a major stressor that though aids in petty pursuits; opposes our blossoming.


Further perpetuates stress and ill effects on the individual and social life. Let us review; the present perspective, policy, and practice of education; as seen around. Even though education is defined in various ways; and often inadequately or incompletely; there has been general agreement on fact. Education is basically a process of blossoming of an individual and society. Hence it included three domains, which are as follows.

What is its Result?

It is very important for all to know about the Result Synonym of education. Education looked at as a social enterprise deemed essential for human survival, is a formal system extending from nursery school to prestigious universities.

This is so in every civilized country in the world. Having gone through the system from infancy to youth and maturity, and acquired a formal education. Culminating in graduate and post-graduate qualifications, it is fair to assume that the end product would be an educated person. However, this is not always so.

The word ‘product’ is unlikely to be associated with a truly educated person. It has the connotations of a process conducted on factory premises. This process, at best, is training for a specific purpose, such as a job, profession, or career. It also has associations of standardization, which may cater to the ambitions of the vast majority of people.

Culminate of Education

Get knowledge about Culminate of education in real. Increasingly, we are told that we live in a knowledge society, a post-capitalist society. This means that there are such sheer volumes of information now than ever there was on the planet.


All this information is embodied in books, databanks, and software programs, but their possession is not equated with education. It is the educated person who embodies and manages such knowledge in the interests of total global well-being. As Bill Gates has demonstrated, with knowledge as a key resource, the educated person faces new demands, challenges, commitments, and responsibilities.

We are not talking of ‘polymaths’ here, which is a concept from the past, perhaps only applicable to Leonardo da Vinci. The truly educated person now has to citizen of the world with deep and genuine empathy for others from quite different cultures. You have to know about it properly.

It helps if an educated person travels to other parts of the world and gains first-hand experience of conditions far from home. ‘Think globally, act locally’ is likely to be the motto of today’s educated person. You can understand all about it by going online and asking any type of question. You can visit our website for more details and information:

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