How to Deep Clean Your Kitchen Like a Pro

The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, where delicious meals are prepared, and memories are made.

But with all the cooking and daily use, it’s also a place that can get messy and cluttered quickly. If you’ve ever wondered how to give your kitchen a thorough clean that leaves it sparkling and organized, you’re in the right place.

cleaning professionals

In this blog, cleaning professionals from Maryland Spotless Maid Service are here to guide you through the steps of deep cleaning your kitchen like a pro, so you can enjoy a pristine and inviting cooking space.

How do I clean my kitchen like a professional?

Take a look at a step-by-step guide to make your kitchen sparkling clean:

1. Clear the clutter

Before you dive into the nitty-gritty cleaning, start by decluttering. Remove items from countertops, shelves, and drawers that you no longer need. This is also a great time to donate or discard expired food items. Clearing the clutter will make the cleaning process more efficient and give your kitchen a fresher look.

2. Remove and clean light fixtures

Begin with the often-overlooked details. Take down any light fixtures or pendants and give them a good wash. Dust and grime tend to accumulate here, affecting the quality of light in your kitchen.

3. Clean the ceiling and walls

Use a duster or a microfiber mop to remove cobwebs and dust from ceiling corners. Wipe down walls, paying attention to areas near the stove and sink, where grease and splatters tend to accumulate. This is also important for cooking safety.

4. Tackle appliances

Deep clean your major appliances, such as the refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher. Remove all items from the fridge, including shelves and drawers, and clean them separately.

Use an oven cleaner to remove built-up grease and food residue from the oven. For the dishwasher, check and clean the filter, and run a cycle with a dishwasher cleaner.

Scrub countertops

5. Clean cabinets and drawers

Wipe down the exterior of your cabinets and drawers. Inside, remove items, and clean the shelves and organizers. Consider lining your shelves with fresh shelf liners for a clean and updated look.

Read also: 8 Professional Tips to Keep Your Floors Spotless

6. Scrub countertops

Different countertops require different care. Whether you have granite, quartz, or laminate, use appropriate cleaners to deep clean and sanitize. Pay special attention to seams and edges, where crumbs and spills can hide.

7. Degrease and shine backsplashes

For tiled backsplashes, use a degreaser to remove built-up kitchen grime. If you have a stainless steel backsplash, use a stainless steel cleaner to restore its shine.

8. Clean and shine the sink

Your sink is a focal point of the kitchen. Give it a thorough cleaning using a mixture of baking soda and water to remove stains and a stainless steel cleaner for added shine. Don’t forget to clean the faucet and handles as well.

9. Disinfect switches and handles

Kitchen switches, handles, and knobs are often touched with dirty or greasy hands. Use a disinfecting cleaner to wipe them down, including the ones on appliances.

10. Polish hardware and fixtures

To give your kitchen that professional touch, consider polishing cabinet hardware, faucets, and any other fixtures. A quick shine can make a big difference in your kitchen’s overall appearance.

11. Floor to ceiling clean

Once you’ve cleaned everything else, finish with the floors. Vacuum or sweep first, and then mop the floors with an appropriate cleaner. Be sure to get into the corners and under appliances. Also, clean any rugs or mats in your kitchen.

Floor to ceiling clean 1

Final note

In the end, cleaning your kitchen like a pro isn’t just about hygiene and order, it’s about rekindling the magic and warmth that your kitchen brings to your home. So, go ahead, roll up your sleeves, and let your kitchen shine. Your culinary adventures and the memories you create in this sparkling haven will be all the more delightful.

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